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Monday, April 26, 2010

my first raw cupcake

I've been a reader of the Rawdorable blog for a while now and was very excited when she finished her ebook of raw cupcake recipes, there's even a recipe for a savory one that is high on my list of ones to try first!  If you're unfamiliar with the queen of raw cupcakes Rawdorable, check out her blog here, where you can purchase your own ecopy of The Little Rawdorable Cupcake Book That Could. 

I wanted to help ShannonMarie out in her quest to get Ellen to try a raw cupcake, you can read about that here.  We all know that Ellen is a lovely vegan herself and I just know that she would love any of these raw cupcakes!  It was hard for me to decide which one to make as my first...I chose the Cream-Filled Lemony Cupcake for the dough recipe.  In the book it resembles the orange cupcakes (Hostess maybe) that you can get in the gas station.  I will admit that I used to love those things, did you know they are made with beef fat??? read the back, you'll see that and a list of other garbagy things.  Garbagy is a word I'm sure of it.  Anyway, Rawdorable's is so yummy looking, cruelty free, and good for you!  I did not however have a couple of the ingredients for the raw whipped icing, so I was going to need to improvise for the filling and frosting parts.

Here's my dough, she says to use a wisk to combine your dough ingredients with the right texture, worked great.  I will note here that I could have just eaten this bowl of dough, so yummy and simple to make (great flavor combo Shannon!) 


Next I made a berry type filling ( I was having a hard time reining in my thoughts on what to include in this cupcake, you'll notice as well with the nut butter coming up next ;)  I mixed together some thawed raspberries, coconut butter, and chia seeds.  It turned out pretty well. 


More improvising in play here since I only have the tiny silicone cupcake holders I used a large biscuit cutter to shape my raw cupcake.  So here's the lemon dough and the berry filling.


I also mixed up raw almond butter, vanilla powder and some turmeric to make a nutty frosting.  I didn't make quite enough and had extra berry mix, so I frosted it half and half.


It was easy to slide right out of the biscuit cutter


topped with a raspberry, raw cashew and more lemon zest



this cupcake was so yummy!  I have non-GMO lecithin on my grocery list so next time I can make the real Cream-Filled Lemony Cupcake, I know I will LOVE it!


I will end with some green smoothie love.  I found this interesting and a wonderful benefit from including more greens in your diet.  I feel like organic greens are really the most important thing for me to eat on a daily basis and have come to really desire and crave them. 


Hope you all have a green leafy kind of day xoxo!