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Thursday, March 11, 2010

who loves kombucha?

This morning feels so much like spring here in MI =)  We do still have mounds of snow around (it was deep), but the sun is shining, the air is warm with humidity, and the birds are singing.  It's so beautiful I'm giddy!  I haven't even had a glass of kombucha today either ;)  This weekend I stopped into the co-op and our local kombucha brewer, Unity Vibration, was there to chat and give samples.  It's always nice to meet the folks behind your food.  She had all the flavors to sample, I tried the blackberry grape and pear mint, both were really yummy.  I decided on the pear mint due to my love of all things mint.  The only other kombucha I've had is GT's, and to me these two are very different.  The Unity Vibration is sweeter where GT's has a more aggressive flavor, I really enjoy them both. 




If you're not familiar with kombucha you can read here and here about it and it's benefits.  I love it the most for it's probiotic and live enzyme content.  I'm getting the courage up to make homemade cultured foods like sauerkraut. 

I've had a lot of nut protein lately (raw cheddar cheese) and was wanting to get some seed action in.  Gena's Sunflower Seed and Carrot Pate was just the thing. 

Isn't it pretty?


I enjoyed it on a giant salad plate for lunch with Bubbie's, and avocado on organic mixed greens from Costco in a simple dressing of dijon mustard, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and agave.


Dinner the past couple of nights has involved this quinoa recipe from Sara Janssen's blog Happy Foody.  She found the recipe at Sunflower Farmer's Market.  I loved this store so much when we lived in Nevada.  I would buy lots of our organic produce there, great prices, I think it helps living much closer to California and Mexico ;) 


leftovers last night with flax oil and parma, on a big plate of mixed greens with pumpkin seeds and raisins and Averie's Tahini Slaw Dressing.  


Yesterday I was in the mood for some painting again (I'm knocking down the closets one by one), and after Mom talking about seeing on HGTV that painting the inside of your pantry a bright color being a good idea, I couldn't get it out of my head.  I was thinking either purple or turquoise, I was keeping my eyes open all morning for color inspiration and I found it in a red onion.  I took it with me to Lowe's and walked right up to the perfect matching color, grape popsicle.  So here's a before and after of our little pantry, it's pretty obvious that it needed some paint ;)  



shelves with 15 years of use ;)


one bright happy pantry!




I have decided that builders skip on sanding and top coat mudding closets in our cookie cutter houses, at least ours did, closets need love too;)  The doors and trim with be getting painted today, spring cleaning is still in full effect here! 

I happened to turn Ellen on yesterday and found that Jonathan Safran Foer was on.  If you want to see it, the video is below, they talk about his book Eating Animals.  She also had a few people on after whose lives have been changed as a result of reading his book, I wish they were in the video here, they were sweet.

Have an awesome day =)
A couple of my favorite pieces from Lululemon's manifesto

•What we do to the earth we do to ourselves.

•The pursuit of happiness is the source of all unhappiness.