Wee little trees
future branches =)
Hope they like their new home. We moved a blue spruce to make room for them, and put the spruce back by the composters. It was crazy windy the next day after we planted and it blew right over, hubby was awesome and staked her back up, isn't she a pretty tree? We added a composter this year now that the first one is full we can let it complete the composting process this summer while we add to the new one. We're hoping for some excellent black gold since we put a lot of really great scraps in there!
In garden news there is not much happening yet, as I've been, as my husband says 'busier than a cat covered in shit' really? I don't know where he comes up with these sayings ;) I have been too busy to make time for our garden yet....I will get it rolling soon-here's hoping for a really long summer. I usually just let the garden time happen organically when it feels right, sometimes it gets in late, but seems to work out alright. I haven't even been to the farmer's market yet this spring, boo. So far there are weeds coming up with one chive clump.
and our garlic is growing well
When we juice we pretty much always include celery, but the stores have been out of organic celery for a bit here...then I found this gem at the co-op
just what I was looking for, yum
Our favorite dessert as of late has been raw cacao pudding with berries.
Just process an avocado and a mango together. Add in a couple of soaked dates, your sweetener of choice (we've been using maple syrup- not raw), and cacao powder. Holy yumminess. The leftovers even hold up well for a few days in the fridge.
For Mother's Day I made my Mom some raw fudgy balls. I used the ingredients from my raw girlfriend, added oats and rolled in coconut. I didn't measure as I was in a hurry. So just use your judgement, they are delicious! We also ordered her a salt lamp (thanks for the store link Bitt of Raw!). which is beautiful.
Krista's Fudgy Balls ingredients
raw almond butter
thick rolled oats
coconut butter (warmed in the dehydrator)
soaked raisins and /or dates ( I used both)
cacao powder
sweetener of choice (I used a little raw agave)
sea salt to taste
process all to combine, roll into balls, and roll in unsweetened coconut shreds. Store in freezer and eat as you please =)
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