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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

more awards and loves

I've been very honored to receive two more blog awards!  Thank you Antony in London =D 


and Thank you RawkinMom!


Per the rules I should list 7 potentially interesting but definitely random facts about me:  So here it goes.

1.  I take my basal body temperature each morning, well this got personal quick.  Yes, for obvious reasons, we're going on 4 1/2 years trying now, but who's counting ? ;)

2.  I know what it smells like inside the Sistine Chapel.

3.  Marley cat and I take a 2 1/2 hour ride to see his holisitc vet, it's a nice ride together.  He assures me he enjoys my singing.

4.  I know that you can meet good people in bars. I married a guy I met in a bar.
5.  To me sleep is a good solution to many things.  'Take a nap, you'll feel better when you get up ;) "  It works for me.  Obviously do not take this as medical advice.

6.  I almost died when I was 19.  An emergency surgeon saved me three days after my appendix ruptured, I have a sweet scar to remember by.  Btw I'm grateful everyday and actually had a serendipitous experience running into my surgeon this week and being able to thank him again in person. 

7.  If I have free time my favorite thing to do is to be still and quiet and read.  This doesn't happen much lately, but that's ok, I'll just keep adding to my list to read at the library ;)

The bloggers I would love to pass these awards on to:  Please take your pick of either or both, you all rock, thank you for writing and sharing!

Rules to claim and share these awards:  ( I say feel free to amend them as you please as I didn't nominate 15 bloggers)

Thank and link the blogger who has given you the award.

Copy and paste the Logo in your blog.

Share 7 things about yourself.

Nominate 15 other Great Bloggers

Comment and let them know of the award

ok, back to regularly scheduled programming.  I wanted to share a couple of new things that I've been love love loving lately.  First is Kevita coconut kefir drink that is oh so yummy.  I was a little apprehensive to try it as I don't love the flavor of stevia, but the two flavors that I've had are just great and I can't discern the stevia! 

Strawberry Acai



and the Coconut Mango


What a great way to get organic, raw, vegan probiotics and it tastes amazing to boot. 

The other is my new Maruca bag which I think is gorgeous and functional, loving it! 



This is my second Maruca bag, I love the quality craftsmanship, materials (no leather), and they are handmade in the US. Boulder, Colorado to be exact.  A friend of mine who travels the world turned me on to these bags and I purchased my first one before our trip to Europe, it was so perfect for travel essentials.  That bag was used non-stop for 3 years going to lots of shows, festivals, and with me everyday before the strap came apart (at a Franti show, there was lots of dancing happening =)  I still need to get her back in working order...I contacted Maruca and they don't do any restrapping or repairs unfortunately.  That bag is a darker color, so I think this new one is perfect for spring and summer!  This one I bought locally at Heavenly Metal in Ann Arbor.  Other local boutiques that I know carry them are Trend 440 in Monroe and Cobblestone Rose in Saline.  At Cobblestone Rose you can also check out the gorgeous photography decor that my world travelling friend creates. 

easy pocket for cell phone, lip balm, etc.


and enough room inside for the essentials:  wallet, hand lotion, house keys, tea, etc.  I tend to travel pretty light as far as my purse goes, and this is perfect for me. 


What are you all loving lately?

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